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Call For Papers and Participation
International Conference on Law, Environment, Culture and Globalization
The main objective of this conference is to bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, students and other groups whose interests are in the issues of Environment, Culture and Globalization within the framework of law, to share their works and experiences in relation to the topics. In addition to circulate thinking and study findings, the conference is also intended to strengthen networking and collaboration among participants. We will provide you a letter of acceptance or invitation letter for your visa application or financial sponsorship from your institution. Therefore, you are encouraged to submit your paper at the earliest time possible.
Harmonisation of Asean Law to Actualize The Asean Community
Environment law
International law
Labor Law
Criminal law
Economics law
State administration law
Customary law
Islamic law
The ICLECG2018 Conference Proceeding:
All accepted and presented papers at the ICLECG 2018 will be published in the conference proceedings Print with ISBN and e-ISBN.
Selected papers will go through a blind review process for acceptance and will be published in University of Bengkulu Law Journal without additional fee.
Deadline for abstract submission September 3, 2018
Notification of abstract acceptance September 3, 2018
Full paper submission September 3, 2018
Early bird Registration and payment deadline August 26, 2018
Email : iclecg_fh@unib.ac.id
Peserta diharapkan sharing room mengingat venue di Santika dan city tour tour dimulai pukul 6 pagi
City tour dilakukan di outdoor, para partisipan harap menyiapkan perlengkapan masing-masing: pakaian ganti, sepatu/sandal
Agenda akan mulai dilaksanakan tanggal 10 malam, OKI peserta diharap sudah dapat joint dan registrasi di tgl 10 sore